September 2024 TBR

The last few months I focused on reading from my own stack of physical books. As a result, I haven’t made much progress on any ARCs I received recently. So my September 2024 TBR prioritizes ARCs this time around with everything else categorized as hopeful reads. I had a nice break from ARCs, but it’s time to get back into it with my September 2024 TBR. I know myself, though, so I probably will read some non-ARCs. It’s all about balance.

Priority Reads

This Will Be Fun by E.B. AsherThe Book of Purrs by Luis CoelhoInvisible Labor by Rachel SomersteinThe City of Stardust by Georgia SummersHim by Geoff Ryman

THIS WILL BE FUN by E.B. Asher: I started this ARC in late August and am enjoying it so far. It’s out on September 10 in the U.S. It’s sort of a romcom set in a quasi-medieval setting. I thought the characters would all be around 20. But to my (pleasant) surprise, there’s a 10-year time jump, which puts them all at around 30. As much as I love reading about young 20-somethings, I also appreciate it when the characters are a bit older! The one-liner: “Former friends and former flames reunite on a mayhem-spike quest in this cozy romantasy perfect for readers of Legends & Lattes and lovers of Shrek.”

THE BOOK OF PURRS by Luis Coelho: I mentioned prioritizing this ARC in July, but ended up reading other things instead. That’s totally fine because September has some Hard Things in it, so reading a comic book with cute and uplifting cats will be just lovely. I look forward to reading this.

INVISIBLE LABOR by Rachel Somerstein: This is an overdue ARC, but in my defense I saw and requested it close to its publication date. So there was no way I could finish it prior to its U.S. release. A friend just finished this and gave it 5 stars, which is rare for her, so it should be interesting!

And, of course, I still have ARCs of THE CITY OF STARDUST by Georgia Summer and HIM by Geoff Ryman that I need to read.

Hopeful Reads

The Mad Women's Ball by Victoria Mas

THESE TWISTED BONDS by Lexi Ryan: I included this in my Trope-ical Readathon TBR, but didn’t get to it because it took me forever to read IRON FLAME. That said, I’d really like to read it before the year is out to close out the duology. The twist at the end of the first book was fantastic.

THE MAD WOMEN’S BALL by Victoria Mas: I bought this the last time I visited Brookline Booksmith near Boston. It’s short novel/long novella length and translated from French. Apparently Amazon Prime adapted it into a film. According to Paula Hawkins, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Girl on the Train, “In this darkly delightful Gothic treasure, Mas explores grief, trauma, and sisterhood behind the walls of Paris’s infamous Salpêtrière hospital.”

And I’ll stop here. The SFINCS competition starts this month, so part of my reading attention will be consumed with judging novellas.

Let me know if any of these books are on your September 2024 TBR, or if you’ve read any of them!

11 thoughts on “September 2024 TBR

  1. I loved City of Stardust! I read it back in January. The Book of Purrs looks adorable as well. I haven’t heard of the others, so I’ll have to look them up. I’m trying to prioritize ARCs this month too. Great list!

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