SFINCS Review: A Princess of Oldir by Bryan Wilson

Today’s review is about A PRINCESS OF OLDIR by Bryan Wilson. It’s part of the Power of the Stars series, but easily reads as a standalone. This sci-fi novella is about a ruling family losing power and a neighboring planet taking advantage of the situation. I found this reminiscent of Dune.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

Author: Bryan Wilson
Series: Power of the Stars, #2.5
Age Category: Adult
Publisher: Self-Published
Publish Date: July 30, 2024
Print Length: 93
Purchase: Amazon

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SFINCS Review: The Re-Emergence by Alan Dell

Today’s review is about THE RE-EMERGENCE by Alan K. Dell. It’s a science fiction novella that stands on its own. It features a sentience satellite that alerts the crew of a ship to the nearby presence of ancient wanderers, now believed to be myth. This is a high stakes and action packed adventure across uncharted space.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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SFINCS Review: A Sorrow Named Joy by Sarah Chorn

Today’s review is about A SORROW NAMED JOY by Sarah Chorn. This novella follows a woman named Joy who enjoys predictability and creating the perfect home life for her husband. But she uncovers a secret about herself that forces her to realize she doesn’t exactly know who she is or what she likes.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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SFINCS Review: Dust and Lightning by Rebecca Crunden

Today’s review is about DUST AND LIGHTNING by Rebecca Crunden. It’s a standalone, science fiction novella that involves a rescue mission mystery set in the year 4054. People still live on a polluted Earth, by humans have long since expanded their range to other planets. But that doesn’t stop the government from getting up to shady activities.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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SFINCS Review: The Stars Within by Alex Arch

Today’s review is about THE STARS WITHIN by Alex Arch. It’s a standalone novella with two points of views. Both serve to explore the human element of expansion into space and the importance and dangers of living.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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