Shadow Queen by Nicola Tyche

Today’s review is about SHADOW QUEEN by Nicola Tyche. It’s the second book in the fully published Crowns series. This review contains spoilers for the first book, NORTH QUEEN.

Author: Nicola Tyche
Series: Crowns, #2
Age Category: Adult
Publisher: Columbia River Publishing
Publish Date: August 1, 2023
Print Length: 586

Want to support local bookstores? Buy a copy of Shadow Queen on!*

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ARC Review: North Queen by Nicola Tyche

Today I present an ARC review of NORTH QUEEN by Nicola Tyche. This is the first book in a dark fantasy romance trilogy. I unexpectedly found myself bingeing this book and can’t wait for the next one. Read on to see my more in-depth thoughts about it.

Author: Nicola Tyche
Series: Crowns, #1
Age Category: New Adult
Publisher: Columbia River Publishing
Publish Date: July 4, 2023
Print Length: 588

Want to support local bookstores? Buy a copy of North Queen on!*

*These are not affiliate links and I do not make a commission from any purchase made using these links.

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June 2023 TBR List

When I make TBR lists I tend to treat them as a list of “hopeful reads.” I’m easily swayed from a TBR list I create for myself, usually because of mood reading or the arrival of a library hold. However, this time I want to stick to my June 2023 TBR list. I don’t know if I’ll be able to read all of these books. But I want to stay as close to this June 2023 TBR list as possible for several reasons.

The first is to read the first book of a series or two to decide whether I want to purchase the inevitable special edition of their sequels. Second, I want to focus more on my own physical backlog, which was one of my bookish goals this year. And third, August is an ARC-heavy month and I need to start prioritizing because July will be incredibly busy for me.

With all that in mind, here is my June 2023 TBR list. It seems I gave myself a lot of chonkers for this month. The book titles link to either or Amazon.

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