Bookish Goals in 2025

With 2024 out the door and those goals completed (or not), it’s now time to make a new set of bookish goals in 2025. Most of these are the same as last year, but it’s a good way to hold myself accountable. I don’t really do reading challenges anymore, so there’s none of that here. Rather, my goals focus more on tracking reading and spending and motivating myself to read my physical backlog.

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On My Radar: March 2024

Once again, the end of the month is near. So that means it’s time for an On My Radar March 2024 post. If you thought my February post was large, well, this one is in the same vein! Below are various book reviews, discussions, and bookish miscellany that I enjoyed this month. Feel free to blog hop around and visit some or all of wonderful posts.



Bookish Miscellany

That’s a wrap for the On My Radar March 2024 roundup! I hope you found something interesting to hop over to from the list!

Indieverse Awards Nominee

Good morning, everyone! I want to share some unexpected and fun news I learned about yesterday. Nathan of Nathan’s Fantasy Reviews alerted me on Twitter that my blog is an Indieverse Awards nominee! The Indieverse Awards nominated my blog in the category “Book Blog I Always Catch Up On.”

I’m not sure what spurred my nomination (maybe my On My Radar posts?), but it was a nice surprise! Sometimes I’m lowkey sad that my blog follower count is low. But this surprise nomination showed me that that’s just a number and people do notice my little niche of the internet!

Other Indieverse Awards Nominees in this category are:

I hadn’t heard of the Indieverse Awards before. In case they’re new to you as well, the Indieverse Awards are to support indie authors. There are a ton of different categories with indie author and book nominees. You can read more about their inspiration here.

It looks like voting occurs in November 2024, with plenty of upcoming activities between now and then for readers. So I’ll try to remember to ask for a little blog loving later this year. Thanks, everyone, for helping make the book blogosphere a fun place to be! I’m honored to be an Indieverse Awards Nominee!

SFINCS Review: Hot Button Issue by Catrina Bell

Today’s review is about HOT BUTTON ISSUE by Catrina Bell. It’s a standalone, paranormal romance novella. As the title suggests, it incorporates a hot topic social issue, that of bodily autonomy with respect to reproduction.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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SFINCS Review: The Stars Within by Alex Arch

Today’s review is about THE STARS WITHIN by Alex Arch. It’s a standalone novella with two points of views. Both serve to explore the human element of expansion into space and the importance and dangers of living.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

Continue reading “SFINCS Review: The Stars Within by Alex Arch”