I was perusing through my WordPress reader this morning and saw that Chris posted this Thanksgiving book tag, created by Anna’s Book Nook. Obviously I had to join in because today is Thanksgiving! After spending over 7 hours last night cooking things for Thanksgiving, I’m enjoying a leisurely morning, book tag included.
The Rules
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Give credit to the author (Anna’s Book Nook)
- Answer the prompts
- Tag others if you desire!
The Questions
1) Friends and Family: A Book with Characters that Feel Like Family
This is obviously the A Court of Thorns and Roses series for me. I’ve mentioned this many times on my blog, but ACOTAR brought me back to reading. I really want to do my first re-read of this series and see what little things I missed the first read through.
2) Fallen Leaves: A Book that Fell Flat (didn’t meet your expectations)
I am 100% in the minority opinion for these two books. Unfortunately, I thought THE GIRL WHO FELL BENEATH THE SEA just had a lot of loose ends; wasn’t feminist as advertised; and had some naive, detached characters. A TASTE OF GOLD AND IRON was also a case of misleading advertising. It did not have the promised political intrigue as promised in the book blurb nor was there a lot of time spent on the magic system explicitly stated in the title.
3) Thanksgiving Dinner: A Book You Want to Read Every Year During This Season
This is tough because I don’t read seasonally. I also don’t reread books that often anymore. To me, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the “holiday season.” This includes feelings of coziness, fireplaces, and cat snuggles. For a feel good or light-hearted book, try THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEWOMEN WITCHES.
4) Turkey: A Book With a Bird in It
This is another tough one! I looked through my book reviews to jog my memory, and I don’t think I’ve read many books that also have birds in them. The closest one is RUIN AND RISING by Leigh Bardugo, the third book in the Shadow and Bone trilogy. There’s also a bird spirit of sorts in A THOUSAND STEPS INTO NIGHT by Traci Chee.
5) Ham: A Book that Made Your Eyes Glaze Over (Boring)
This was one of the first ARCs I read from NetGalley. I remember seeing it pop up fairly often on book Twitter, but I thought it was so boring. THE PROPHECY OF LOVE was way too philosophical and metaphysical (or something) for me and I struggled to finish it.
6) Dinner Rolls: A Book that Melted Your Heart and Made You Feel Warm
This is kind of a funny prompt for me to answer because I don’t read a lot of warm and fuzzy books. Storygraph says I read a lot of dark books, which I think is accurate. HOW THE PENGUINS SAVED VERONICA is probably the closest thing I have to fulfill this prompt. I don’t usually read a lot of women’s fiction/literary fiction (I’m not sure what genre this falls in), but this was a nice change of pace. Oh, and IN DEEPER WATERS ended up ending on a warm note.
7) Mashed Potatoes: A Book With a White Cover
Copying Chris here, I also have to choose THE STARDUST THIEF. I also really enjoyed THE ONCE AND FUTURE WITCHES, a story about feminism and sisterhood. And GLOW is the fourth book in Raven Kennedy’s Plated Prisoner series, a King Midas retelling of sorts (but it has since come into its own). I read AKATA WITCH a while ago, which is a YA fantasy series about a girl who finds out she has magical powers.
8) Gravy: A Book You’re not Totally Sure Why You Love, but You Do
I wouldn’t say I love this book, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would given that the premise is pretty unbelievable. Sometimes it’s just nice to let reality go and enjoy a semi-unrealistic book.
9) Pumpkin Pie: A Dessert Book That You Love
This prompt didn’t say the book has to be happy, but I loved HALF SICK OF SHADOWS, which was my favorite read of 2021. ONE DARK WINDOW was kind of like a dessert. Even though it wasn’t a 5-star read for me (due to the somewhat predictable plot), I actually did really enjoy this escapist venture.
Bonus: Black Friday: The Top 5 Books on Your “I want to buy them” List
Honestly, I don’t have an unsated desire to buy any particular book at the moment. I have a load of physical books on my shelves I need to read. (And then I plan to slowly unhaul them.) And while there are other books I don’t own, I often use my library to read them. Of course there are books I’d like to own because their book covers are just gorgeous, but I don’t need to.
I Tag
Anyone who wants to do this! Have fun and happy Thanksgiving!
I loved reading your answers to this tag. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Janette! 🙂
Great answers! I had a lot of fun with this one this morning in between different kitchen tasks and last minute cleaning. Lol
Thanks! I’m glad you found and posted this…hope you had a great Thanksgiving! 🙂