Spooktastic Reads: Monsters and Beasts

The prompt today for Spooktastic Reads, a Wyrd and Wonder mini event, is “monsters and beasts.” I’m always amazed at authors’ imaginations and the fauna they create. In celebration of this creativity, here’s a list of books that have some interesting and sometimes bone-chilling monsters and beasts.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Given this series brought me back to the world of reading, I have to include it here. There is a slew of unique monsters in these books. I promise no spoilers, but the Suriel, the Bone Carver, Bryaxis, and the Weaver are some of my favorites. If you know, you know.

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Spooktastic Reads: Dark Fantasy Books

The prompt today for Spooktastic Reads, a Wyrd and Wonder mini event, is “dark fantasy.” Definitions of dark fantasy already exist on the internet, including in a great post by Fantasy Book Fanatic. There they define dark fantasy as “a fantasy sub-genre that is typified by a deliberately ominous tone, reinforcing what is commonly perceived as a ‘gloomy’ atmosphere.” To avoid duplicating efforts defining this subgenre, today I’m sharing some of my favorite dark fantasy books.

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Spooktastic Reads: Creepiest Cover

Today’s prompt for Spooktastic Reads, a Wyrd and Wonder mini event, is “creepiest cover.” I suppose there are numerous ways to spin this, such as the spookiest cover I’ve ever seen, read, or have on my bookshelf. I opt for the last option: the spookiest book cover I have on my physical book shelves.

The creepiest book cover on my shelf be a little out of left field (or maybe not).

Did that get a small laugh out of anyone? Or a whimper? I haven’t yet read it but as soon as I do it will go into the donation pile.

The runner up (or first place on my shelves of fiction) is EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE by Jay Kristoff. This says “power” to me more than “creepy,” but so it is as I don’t feel I have many books with creepy covers.

What’s the spookiest book cover on your shelf?