Books I DNF in 2022

I first wrote about books I DNF last year, given that my blog has only been around through one year’s end. To reiterate what I said then, I usually DNF (do/did not finish) a book because I couldn’t get into it. This doesn’t necessarily mean that I felt it was badly written. For the most part, I seemed to pick well for myself, which is not a surprise because I know me. As a result, I didn’t DNF a lot of books this year. Note that everyone’s reading preferences are subjective. So, what didn’t work for me might totally work for you.

As an aside, I noticed that people compiled lists of the “worst” books they read this year. Personally, I don’t feel the need to do this because I think my “negative” reviews speak for themselves. However, I have nothing against these types of lists as long as their compilation is tactful. (And for goodness sake, don’t tag the author!) Why? Because I believe reviews and opinions are mainly for fellow readers, not for authors. Once a book hits the market, it’s out of the author’s hands and people have the right to their opinions. If someone truly wants to read a book, they will. A “negative” review or list won’t stop them. And, frankly, let’s be realistic. Life has positives and negatives and I think to just ignore that some people feel “negatively” about a book is toxic positivity. There, I said it.

Anyway, thoughts and feelings aside, here is a list of books I DNF in 2022. It’s a short list, so you can hold your breath. The book cover images link to their official synopses.

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