On My Radar January Book Blog Posts

Though I blog hop when I can, I’ve never assembled an “on my radar” list of sorts before. So I thought it would be nice to highlight a few posts I enjoyed over the past month or so. They’re in no particular order. Obviously I blog hopped more than this list shows, so this is a subset of the excellent content I perused. My goal is to create this type of list roughly once a month. Hopefully I can stick with it. Without further ado, here are some great posts that you should check out!

What posts did you enjoy this month? Please feel free to comment with a link to those blog posts and share the love!

14 thoughts on “On My Radar January Book Blog Posts

  1. Great post and thank you for including mine on this list of awesome bloggers! I definitely didn’t have as much time as I hoped to check out more blog posts this month because work has been so draining but I’ll make time to check out some of these. 😃 Nicole’s post is one of the ones I had time to check out though and I really enjoyed reading it!

    1. Thank you, Dini! And you’re very welcome. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your engagement in the blogosphere (especially when you’re super busy!).

  2. Great post! Thank you for including my post on this really cool list, and I love the idea of collecting some of your favorite blog posts and making a post about it. I’ve definitely been slacking with my blog hopping, but plan to do better about it. So many of these sound really good, and I can’t wait to check them out!

    1. Thanks, Leah! From time to time I find myself on others’ posts that include a round up, so I thought I’d join in. Time is short, so why not make a list? 😛

  3. Nice idea–thanks so much for including my post, too. I’m reading the handful of these posts I haven’t seen before, seeing some good stuff there!

    1. er, that almost suggests there wasn’t good stuff in the posts I’d already seen. I really should’ve written a few drafts of that comment before I submitted.

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