2022 Support Book Bloggers Challenge: July Check-in

In an effort to support and promote book bloggers further in 2022, Pages Unbound is hosting a (very casual) “Support Book Bloggers” Challenge. The idea is simple: we will work together to read blog posts, share them, comment on them, and boost book bloggers in other ways. To learn more about the challenge and the 12 prompts involved, visit the original post here(The above banner was created by Pages Unbound.)

If you decide to join in on the fun, the social media hashtag to use is #BookBloggerSupport22.

Here are my responses to the previous prompts:

The last prompt for June I thought was a little difficult. Plus I was busy getting ready for a bike ride across New York. And, when all was said and done, I just let this one fall through the cracks. But I’m back! So time for the July prompt.


Let me preface my response to this by saying many more bloggers have caused me to add books to my TBR. However, I am someone who hates feeling pressure to make a “must read” list each month. I mood read, which means I probably won’t get around to a recommendation until much later. Because of this, my list of books I’ve read because of other bloggers is quite short. Now, onward.

Half Sick of Shadows by Laura Sebastian

I’m pretty sure I first found out about this book from Sam at Will Read For Booze. This is probably the fastest I’ve found out about a book from a blogger and read and reviewed it. It’s a feminist retelling of Arthurian legend from Elaine’s point of view, who is a seer. It focuses on what the women around Arthur sacrificed to get him to the throne for the good of the people. The writing is absolutely stunning and was my favorite book in 2021.

She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan

I can’t remember who exactly ultimately inspired me to read this book. It floated around on the book blog/book Twitter realm for quite some time before hitting shelves. However, there’s a good chance Chris at Biblio Nerd Reflections was the impetus for me to read and review it. As the official blurb states, it “reimagines the rise to power of the Ming Dynasty’s founding emperor.” It does so through the exploration of gender and gender roles and through the lenses of fate and destiny.

Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen

This is another book that made a splash on book Twitter. Again, it was difficult for me to remember who exactly inspired me to finally read it, but I think it was Kerri at KerriMcBookNerd. Many described it as a retelling of the Little Mermaid. But it really is more about incorporating African mythologies of Mami Wata (Mother of Water) to tell a story about saving the world. See my review here.

Books I Bought Because of Bloggers

There are a lot of books I’ve purchased based on recommendations or reviews I’ve read. But, like many of you, they sit on my shelf for a while because there is so much good stuff to read! Here are a few of those books.

Have you been inspired by any book bloggers to read a book? If so, what book?

9 thoughts on “2022 Support Book Bloggers Challenge: July Check-in

  1. I hope you enjoy When Women Were Dragons when you get round to it. I recently bought Legends and Lattes because that cover is just too cute.

    1. Thanks, me too! The premise sounds so unique! I hope you enjoy Legends and Lattes…I’ve heard (read) all good things about it.

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