Monthly Book Blog Wrap-Up: June 2022

Well, I’m a little surprised at how quickly June seemed to fly by. It feels like I blinked and, whoosh, it turned into July. I would have drafted and scheduled this post sooner, but I went out of town before June ended, meaning I still had scheduled posts and therefore that stats weren’t yet complete.

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know my husband and I just completed tandem cycling the Erie Canalway Trail across New York. That was 360+ miles across mostly flat trail, thank goodness. We cycled from Buffalo to Albany. Now we’re home and enjoying a day of recuperation. Which also means I can do some blog hopping!

Anyway, let’s take a look at what happened here on the blog in June!

Book Reviews

I posted four book reviews in June. From earliest to latest, here are my recent book reviews.

Book Memes and Other Posts

At some point I’d like to add some discussion posts to my blog. So I’m taking little steps first and posting to the weekly bookish Book Blogger Hop prompts to get into the swing of it.

I also posted my blog wrap-up for May.


During June six more lovely people chose to follow my blog. Thank you for following along–I appreciate each and every one of you! My follower count is now 84 strong and I need 16 more to reach my goal of 100 by the end of the year.

I didn’t join any readathons in June. While my total views and different visitors didn’t exceed those of May when Wyrd and Wonder occurred, they exceeded those of April, which makes me very happy! Love to see that upward trend.

In this section I typically list the top five best-performing posts for the wrap-up month at hand. But I decided to add an extra component after reading the results for Pages Unbound’s book blogger statistics survey results for 2022. From this point forward I’ll include my page views for my top five posts. They aren’t very high, but I thought it would give some perspective to other small bloggers like myself. And some of these views are undoubtedly from me as I check the posts for comments.

  1. The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh: 52 views
  2. Gild by Raven Kennedy: 41 views
  3. Book Blogger Hop: June 3-9: 27 views
  4. Out Front the Following Sea by Leah Angstman: 22 views
  5. Monthly Book Blog Wrap-Up: May 2022: 21 views


Lisa at Owl Be Sat Reading started the hashtag #BeatTheBacklog to rally those who want to make a dent in their TBR list. I finished six books in June, two of which were on my TBR prior to 2022: FOUR TREASURES OF THE SKY by Jenny Tinghui Zhang and A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross.

Other Bookish Progress

As I mentioned in the previous section, I finished six books in June. In addition to the two listed above, I also read GLINT by Raven Kennedy; GLEAM by Raven Kennedy; THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS by Ali Hazelwood; and ALL BOYS AREN’T BLUE by George M. Johnson.

I also made some theme changes to my blog. I’ll make a more official post about this, probably sometime in July. So excuse the mess while I reformat old posts.

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