New Year’s Book Tag

I wasn’t planning on posting today, but then I saw Chris tagged me for this book tag and it looked like fun. So here I am! Booktuber Heather @Bookables originally created the New Year’s Book Tag. I’m too lazy to format and upload book cover images, so lists it is!

How many books are you planning to read in 2023?

I plan to read the same number as last year: 52. If I read more than that, then great, it’ll be a welcome bonus!

Name 5 books you didn’t get to this year but want to make a priority in 2023.

  • HOUSE OF EARTH AND BLOOD (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J. Maas
  • HOUSE OF SKY AND BREATH (Crescent City #2) by Sarah J. Maas
  • SORCERY OF THORNS by Margaret Rogerson
  • THE ATLAS PARADOX (The Atlas, #2) by Olivie Blake
  • THESE TWISTED BONDS (These Hollow Vows, #2) by Lexi Ryan

What genre do you want to read more of?

Hands down science fiction. I have a few sitting on my shelf, like THE MARTIAN and THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, which would be a nice intro back into the genre. I used to read a ton of Star Wars when I was in middle school, even the adult age range stuff, but I fell off that wagon a while ago.

Name 3 non-book-related goals for 2023

  • Make working out a priority. My goal is to work out 4-5 times per week. I was pretty good about this before and during the first year of the pandemic. But I slowly lost inspiration as the pandemic went on. Then we moved and I dove deeper into reading. Time to get back into the swing of it. Luckily the Peloton app has a bunch of options, which is great because I need variety in my workouts.
  • Paint my house. I’ve already made some progress on this. The idea of painting was a big source of anxiety for me at the end of 2021. We had so many projects and knowing I still wanted to paint literally the whole house was overwhelming. So I focused on more immediate needs to manage my stress. We don’t need to paint, but I know I’ll be happier getting rid of the yellow-ish cream that’s everywhere. Some might not mind it, but it’s not a color for me.
  • Organize one of the guest bedrooms. We’ve been in our house for over a year now. And we’re fully back in the office by our choice. So it’s time to put at least one of those rooms fully together.

What’s a book you’ve had forever that you still need to read?

Cue laughter. There are so many books I’ve had forever that I still need to read. Let’s go with SPILLOVER: ANIMAL INFECTIONS AND THE NEXT HUMAN PANDEMIC by David Quammen. Coincidentally I think I asked for this as a Christmas gift in 2019 or sometime thereabout. For obvious reasons I haven’t yet read it. But I think now I wouldn’t mind picking it up.

One word that you’re hoping 2023 will be.

To echo Chris here, healthy is the word I hope for 2023. It’s easy to take your own health for granted until something happens that sets you back.


13 thoughts on “New Year’s Book Tag

  1. You could always do some exercise bike while reading. Was a great time use for myself. Probably best on a sit back bike rather than a peloton tho!

    1. Already on it!! I’ve been switching up my cycling time between audiobook and recorded Peloton classes. I have a feeling I’ll be able to read a lot more if I keep it up.

  2. I’m reading Sorcery of Thorns right now and loving it. It has libraries and magical books, and the dynamic between the three main characters is super cute. I hope you like it when you get to it! Good luck on your goals this year. I hope we can both manage to make 2023 at least a little bit healthier than 2022!

    1. I’ve seen all good things about Sorcery of Thorns…I saw your GR readings, so seems like you agree! Cheers to a healthier 2023 (I say after eating nachos for dinner, lol!)!

  3. I love this tag. Good Luck with painting your house. I began work on getting our lobby ready to repaint in Oct last year and still haven’t finished it. 😲I’m now waiting until it gets warmer.

    1. Thanks, Janette! Our entry hallway is basically done now…but we ran out of paint. A small problem! 😛 Hopefully you’ll be able to get started on your lobby later this year. 🙂

  4. Hi Celeste,

    my surgery earlier today went well, and I will be able to write my post during the next few days.

    I did read the first book of the Crescent City series, but I still have to read the English version, same goes for the second one. Would you like to do buddy reads? I have a forum on my blog (password protected) which is only meant for buddy reads.

    In February, I need to finally read The Atlas Six. I only heard great things about the book. Maybe it makes me want to read part 2 as well.

    I think, through you, I learned about the These Hollow Vows series, which now waits on my TBR stack. You see, we have a really similar taste here.

    As soon as I published my post I will leave you my link here.


    1. I’m glad your surgery went well and I hope it’s a quick recovery! Thanks for linking to your post; I just left you a comment. 🙂

      Yes, I think you might have learned about THESE HOLLOW VOWS through me. I hope you like it. Same for THE ATLAS SIX. The author, Olivie Blake, is an incredible writer. Are you going to read it in English?

      Sure, we can do a CRESCENT CITY #1 buddy read. I don’t think I’ll have time until April at the earliest, though. Would that be ok?

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