Wyrd and Wonderful Book Discoveries

IMAGE CREDITS: tree wolf image by chic2view on 123RF.com. The gorgeous tree wolf is not royalty-free, but is licensed for use to promote Wyrd and Wonder online. You are welcome to use the banner on your Wyrd and Wonder posts, but please make no changes (except to resize if needed) and always credit the artist!

Wyrd and Wonder is a celebration of all things fantasy. The format of figurative consumption doesn’t matter. You can read, watch, game, puzzle, etc. anything fantasy! To learn more visit my introduction post, which includes links to the hosts and more information about this month-long appreciation of the fantasy genre.

Today’s prompt is “Wyrd and Wonderful,” for which we share a book that we were introduced to during (this or a previous) Wyrd and Wonder. I can’t just pick one book, so I’ve included a few below. Since this is my first Wyrd and Wonder, these books were all mentioned by this year’s participants. I linked to Bookshop.org (not affiliated) where possible; otherwise the book link navigates to Amazon (not affiliated).

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