SFINCS Review: To Catch A Witch by E.L. Montague

Today’s review is about TO CATCH A WITCH by E.L. Montague. It’s a standalone fantasy novella about a hedgewitch fleeing from the King’s Inquisition on magic.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

Author: E.L. Montague
Series: None
Age Category: Adult
Publisher: Self-Published
Publish Date: July 12, 2024
Print Length: 77
Purchase: Amazon

To Catch A Witch Synopsis

Caught in a scandal with Lord Arle that draws the attention of King Harald’s Inquisition, Shenagh is forced to flee her home into the Dark Wood. The young hedge witch, pursued by Master Macon den Lough and his henchman, Cobb, is tested by the forest’s rugged terrain, dangerous predators, and legendary monsters.

To Catch A Witch Review

TO CATCH A WITCH occurs during a time where witches and other folks with magic are hunted to extinction. It begins at the home of Lady Arle, who called for a witch hunter to exterminate someone she feels is a witch. The hypocrisy is evident given Lady Arle was fine accepting the young woman’s potions. Apparently these ministrations crossed a line when the young woman slept with Lady Arle’s husband to cure him.

Shenagh, the witch in question, has an interesting, recently manifested power. Some call it sex magic, others call her a pain thief. Men with physical ailments find themselves cured after sleeping with Shenagh. Few moments in this novella focus on the actual act. Instead, TO CATCH A WITCH centers on Shenagh fleeing her hunters and encountering legendary monsters in the forest. There are also quick snatches that highlight the hypocrisy of Master Macon, the witch hunter. I thought that dynamic interesting and wish there had been more exploration into it.

TO CATCH A WITCH is a quick, well-written, slice-of-life read. I enjoyed it and the character interactions, though a part of me wanted more of a dive into Master Macon’s heritage.

Rating: withheld
Content warnings: sexual content, blood, violence
Reading format: Kindle e-book

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