WWW Wednesday: September 11, 2024

After a month off from WWW Wednesday, it’s time for another one! SFINCS is back in action, so in between each full-length novel I pick up a novella. I’m also making good progress on my ARCs.

WWW Wednesday was revived and hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. The idea is to answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses.

What are you currently reading?

What have you just finished reading?

What are you going to read next?

Currently Reading

Invisible Labor by Rachel SomersteinOnce More With Feeling by Elissa Sussman

INVISIBLE LABOR by Rachel Somerstein: I’ve finally gotten around to this ARC, which hit shelves two months ago in the U.S. It’s about the history of the C-section. At the moment I’ve read about 20% of it and so far it’s all very interesting. Fair warning that there are definitely some content warnings, e.g., traumatic birth, so look them up if you need to.

ONCE MORE WITH FEELING by Elissa Sussman: I picked this up to read alongside INVISIBLE LABOR as a counterbalance. It’s definitely lighter than my nonfiction read and I ate up the first 100 pages. It’s about a pop star finding her way back onto the musical stage after infidelity. I like that it shows how much women are affected by the tabloids relative to men even if both are at fault. It reminds me a little of Britney’s unfortunate fall from the limelight.

Recently Finished

Weyward by Emilia HartDear Girls by Ali WongA Fire In the Sky by Sophie Jordan

WEYWARD by Emilia Hart: I listened to this on audio and absolutely loved it. It follows three different women of the Weyward family line in their own timelines (1600s, 1940s, 2019). Each woman is oppressed by various iterations of the patriarchy and learns how to rise above and survive it. There are a lot of content warnings with this one, but I thought it was fantastic. Do yourself a favor and read this.

DEAR GIRLS by Ali Wong: This was another audiobook listen. Ali’s characteristic blunt and raunchy humor spares no details, but that is, of course, expected. It’s basically a humorous memoir to her daughters about things like dating and being in the minority. I chuckled a few times. It’s a fast read and worth it if you also liked her Netflix specials.

A FIRE IN THE SKY by Sophie Jordan: I also finished this ARC, so expect this review next week. It’s a fast-paced fantasy romance with dragons. The world building and plot are simple and predictable, but despite that I actually still enjoyed it. It was easy to read and I suppose it was a “right book, right time” situation.

Reading Next

The Book of Purrs by Luis Coelho

THE BOOK OF PURRS by Luis Coelho: I’ve been looking forward to this ARC and plan to pick it up soon. I’ve never reviewed a book of comics before, so hello new opportunity!

I also plan to read another novella in the next week for the SFINCS competition. I’m not sure which yet!

11 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: September 11, 2024

    1. For a book that’s <400 pages, it's certainly taking me some time to get through INVISIBLE LABOR. It's not hard to read, structure wise, but it is packed with information. Definitely interesting, though!

  1. I’ve read Weyward too and really enjoyed it also. I’ll definitely be checking out the authors next book. I think I’m going to read A Fire In The Sky before reading any reviews of it but I’ve saved your post about it to check out then. I hope you find your first comic review experience fun too.

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