I know, I know, I haven’t posted a book review in a hot second. That’s what the end of a year and holiday busy-ness and 2022 wrap-ups will do to a blog! I’ll have a book review up next week, I promise.
Anyway, for those who are unfamiliar, WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme revived and hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.
The idea is to answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses.
What are you currently reading?
What have you just finished reading?
What are you going to read next?
Currently Reading
Stunningly, I’m currently reading more than a couple of books. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t typically read middle grade books, but I loved the cover of OOD AND THE FROST GIANTS. Since this is a book I physically own, it will go toward Project Backlist by Kal @ Reader Voracious.
I started THE WOMAN THEY COULD NOT SILENCE because I needed another “Available Now” book on audio from the library. It helps the time go by when enduring chores. I read RADIUM GIRLS by the same author years ago and found it fascinating. So why not try another?
Lastly, I technically started THE SUBTLE KNIFE last month and, um, I’m still not very far. But I want to finish the series so I can finally watch the HBO adaptation.
Recently Finished
I finished WHAT’S THE T? by Juno Dawson over the weekend. I don’t feel qualified to write an official review of this book. I found it informative as an ally. But ultimately I think it’s more of an approachable guide for trans individuals, hence its subtitle: THE GUIDE TO ALL THINGS TRANS AND/OR NONBINARY.
I also listened to the audiobook of ICE PLANET BARBARIANS by Ruby Dixon. I can’t believe I just typed that sentence. Truly, I had absolutely no plans to read this because it’s not my jam. But I really needed something “Available Now” on Libby to listen to while I primed our hallway. And, surprisingly, this was near the top of that list (unsorted for genre). It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it was certainly entertaining and helped the time spent painting fly by!
Reading Next
I think I’m going to take another try with THE STARS UNDYING. If anything it will fulfill a prompt in the January TBR Challenge I joined on StoryGraph. This challenge is organized by Books Are 42, from.TBR.to.READ, theartsy_bookworm88, and hplreads.
Best of luck with the His Dark Materials series haha. I gave up at the beginning of the third book. Loved the first, but the series dragged – and got a little bizarre to me – as it went on. However, the show looks cool and I do love Lin Manuel Miranda, so I might give it a go and see if I enjoy it more than the books (it happens. Rarely, but it happens haha).
Thanks! The beginning of The Subtle Knife is a bit confusing because it’s not really where we left off in The Golden Compass. But I’ll roll with it. Also, I didn’t know Lin Manuel Miranda is involved with HBO’s HDM adaptation…just learned something new! I’ve heard good things about the show from friends, so I suppose you should give it a try, haha.
Oh goodness. You’re going to give THAT BOOK another try. Good luck. Lol.
Thanks, lol. I feel obligated to finish it because it was my first physical ARC. 🙁
I’ve been curious about that HBO adaptation too and would love to dive into the books before…eventually. I hope you have a good time reading them! Happy reading, Celeste. 🙂
Thanks, Lashaan! 🙂