WWW Wednesday: July 13, 2022

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme revived and hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.

The idea is to answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses.

What are you currently reading?

What have you just finished reading?

What are you going to read next?

Currently Reading

I feel like I have a ton of books I’ve started, which is very unlike me. Historically I stick to book monogamy, with the occasional foray into two books going at one time. But right now I have four ongoing. Who even am I?!

I have two e-books going. One is called WHAT’S THE T? THE GUIDE TO ALL THINGS TRANS AND/OR NONBINARY by Juno Dawson. This was a book I rage bought after a particular SCOTUS decision last month made me upset. So far it’s a very approachable read, which I suppose is to be expected since its target audience is young adults. Technically I also started GLOW by Raven Kennedy, but I’m a laughable 2% in.

I also have two audiobooks going: WITHIN THESE WICKED WALLS by Lauren Blackwood and HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS. The former was a freebie from Libro.fm from a Black Friday promo. And the latter I checked out from my library for our road trip from New York back to Virginia after cycling the Erie Canalway Trail.

I read the HP series countless times growing up, but my husband never did. (Yes, I’m aware who the author is of this series. Don’t come at me.) So it’s a nice way for him to learn what the movies didn’t include. FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING was another contender, but the wait list was loooong. Audiobooks aren’t my preferred format, so these always take me forever to finish.

Recently Finished

The last book I finished is DARK EARTH by Rebecca Stott. Before that I finished A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross. My review is here. This was in my NetGalley queue for an embarrassingly long time. But I finally read it!

Reading Next

Though I’m several book reviews behind, I feel like I’m in a good place on NetGalley now. I think I’m at a good pace to read and review several books between now through August before they hit stores. My next read is THE BOOK OF GOTHEL by Mary McMyne. I’m very excited for this one!

7 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: July 13, 2022

    1. Thanks! I saw your book review for that one. I enjoyed the book, but also had some mixed feelings and thoughts about it. Review to come on Monday! 🙂

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