Happy Christmas Eve Eve! I’ve seen a few Christmas/holiday-related book tags floating around and wanted to squeeze at least one in before Christmas. I first saw this on Chris’s blog, Biblio Nerd Reflections, but it was created by Lizzie Loves Books. This was super fun to do! But, like Chris mentioned, it’s hard to do if your goal is to avoid repeats. I tag anyone who’s interested! So, let’s jump to it, shall we?
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: A partridge in a pear tree.
The partridge stood alone in the pear tree. What is your favorite stand alone this year?
I haven’t had a chance to write my review for this yet, but I loved this book. The first lines grip your attention and the writing is wonderful. I loved the female perspective of this classic retelling of Arthurian legend. It was like reading a Greek tragedy, but much better. I really don’t understand why its Goodreads rating is under 4 stars. It’s absolutely a 5 star read for me. I highly recommend reading this if you haven’t done so already.
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Two turtle doves.
Love is in the air! Who is your one true pairing this year?
Ahem. I don’t mind being predictable here. Spoilers ahead if you haven’t read the A Court of Thorns and Roses series!! Feyre and Rhysand from A Court of Mist and Fury are my OTP this year. And maybe even forever unless I find another fictional book couple that can dethrone their place in my heart. I had such a massive book hangover after reading ACoMaF. This book inspired me to start my book blog because I literally had no one to talk to about this book.
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Three french hens.
In the spirit of threes, what is the best trilogy you have read this year?
I only read two trilogies this year and I felt equally about both of them: The Folk of the Air and Shadow and Bone. I suppose Holly Black’s The Folk of the Air series ekes out S&B a little bit for me. This trilogy is comprised of The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King, and The Queen of Nothing. I appreciated the more complex politics in this trilogy during which a few turns of events left me surprised. I also like how Holly Black portrays the mischievousness and cruelty of the fae.
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Four calling birds.
Since series usually consist of four or more books, what is your favorite series this year?
I only read one series this year, which was the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. I was in a bit of a slump when I found a deal for the first book on Kindle back in February 2021. It knocked me out of that slump and even kick started my love of reading again. I had only just started getting back into reading in 2020 (pandemic silver lining?); this series punted me back into the game.
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Five golden rings.
One ring to rule them all! Who is your favorite Villain/Antagonist this year?
If you haven’t read For the Wolf, then beware of spoilers ahead! I though the priestess, Kiri, was intimidating as hell. She’s crafty and manipulative, particularly of those who are emotionally vulnerable. And she knows how to harness power to achieve her end goals. I’m really looking forward to the next book.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Six geese a laying.
Creation is a beautiful thing. What is your favorite world/world-building this year?
I think I’ll have to choose The Bone Ships for this one. It’s so different from the rest of the fantasy genre books I read this year. We know fantasy authors typically dream up new cultures for their stories. RJ Barker really excelled at that with this book. My review isn’t up yet, but stay tuned for it on December 26!
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Seven swans a swimming.
Who needs seven swans when all it takes is one good animal sidekick? Who’s your favorite animal sidekick this year?
There are only two books I read that have some true animal sidekick action. Both are in The Drowning Empire trilogy by Andrea Stewart. I choose the first book, The Bone Shard Daughter. The animal sidekick in these books is arguably my favorite character.
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Eight maids a milking.
Milk is so 18th century. Which book or series takes beverages/food to a whole new level?
Hmm. I didn’t read anything this year where food is a big component of the book. I suppose if I have to pick one it’d be milk and honey by Rupi Kaur, which is a book of poetry. I didn’t write a review for this one.
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Nine ladies dancing.
Dancing is just one skill of a Lady! Who is your favorite kickass female lead this year?
I choose James Juniper from Alix E. Harrow’s The Once and Future Witches. This is a great book about sisterhood and women’s rights in fantasy form.
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Ten lords a leaping.
How about your favorite leading lad this year?
This is hard. I’m going to have to repeat a book here considering most of the books I read have leading ladies. So, let’s hear it for Rhysand again from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Eleven pipes piping.
What is your favorite book or bookish thing with musical influence? (It can be about music, reference music a lot etc.)
I don’t have a favorite book or bookish thing with musical influence. But I did read a book called Musical Chairs this year, so I guess that counts?
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: twelve drummers drumming.
Drum roll please…what is your favorite read of this year?
Right back to a partridge in a pear tree–let’s have it for Half Sick of Shadows by Laura Sebastian. I probably would’ve chosen A Court of Mist and Fury again, or maybe even The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (loved the writing style). But this is one of the last books I squeezed in this year and I’m really glad I did.
Great tag (and awesome choices)!
Thanks! It was fun to do. I found others as well, but saved those for next year. 🙂