ARC Review: An Education In Malice by S.T. Gibson

Today’s review is about AN EDUCATION IN MALICE by S.T. Gibson. It’s a retelling of CARMILLA set in 1960s Massachusetts at a historical women’s college. This dual point of view novel portrays a dark academia environment, vampires, and uneven power dynamics.

Author: S.T. Gibson
Series: None
Age Category: Adult
Publisher: Redhook
Publish Date: February 13, 2024
Print Length: 368

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SFINCS Review: Blackcap by Benjamin Aeveryn

Today’s review is about BLACKCAP by Benjamin Aeveryn. Though part of the Rainfallen universe, this novella stands on its own and is easy to follow. It’s a paranormal mystery in which Kade switches from sleuthing out human criminals, and inadvertently sending some to their deaths, to helping solve paranormal cases.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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SFINCS Review: Ruins of Smoke by Joao Silva

Today’s review is about RUINS OF SMOKE by João F. Silva. It is a novella within The Smokesmiths series. It jumps right into the action of saving an empire from an evil entity, with a very cool magic system to boot.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

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Book Blogger Hop: March 8-14

It’s been a while since I did a Book Blogger Hop. Since I was away on a short family vacation, I thought I’d find something lighter to post about while I get back into my routine.

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. 

The Book Blogger Hop post image was created by Coffee Addicted Writer.

This Week’s Question

Do you use a book’s synopsis for your review? (Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Yes, I currently use a book’s synopsis for my review. When I first started reviewing on my blog I used to write my own synopsis. At the time I chose not to use the official book blurb because I wanted to try my hand at summarizing it myself. Long story short, it caused me a lot of stress writing my own book synopsis. It often took me nearly as long to write that first paragraph as the rest of the review.

To reduce my writing freeze about the synopsis, I decided to make it easier on myself and just use the official book blurb instead. (Remember, this is supposed to be a fun hobby, not a stressful one!) I figured the publisher already paid someone to professionally write it, so why not use it. Sometimes I just let the official blurb speak for itself. But lately I’ve been trying to include a lower key synopsis of my own at the beginning of my review. I feel it just flows better that way.

SFINCS Review: The Re-Emergence by Alan Dell

Today’s review is about THE RE-EMERGENCE by Alan K. Dell. It’s a science fiction novella that stands on its own. It features a sentience satellite that alerts the crew of a ship to the nearby presence of ancient wanderers, now believed to be myth. This is a high stakes and action packed adventure across uncharted space.

SFINCS logoThis review is brought to you by my participation in the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”, is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.). I am part of Team Behind the Musings. You can find out more about us here.

Continue reading “SFINCS Review: The Re-Emergence by Alan Dell”