WWW Wednesday: June 23, 2022

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme revived and hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.

The idea is to answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses.

What are you currently reading?

What have you just finished reading?

What are you going to read next?

Currently Reading: I have a few books going right now: A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross and GLOW by Raven Kennedy. The first book is one that has been in my NetGalley queue for quite a while now. It feels very mythical and mysterious and I’m eager to find out more about why certain people are disappearing. GLOW is the fourth book in The Plated Prisoner series. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but I saw on the author’s Instagram stories that Amazon has or will remove this series from Kindle Unlimited. I think there are more details on her Facebook Reader’s Group, but I don’t have a Facebook, so I don’t know the full story. Anyway, all this to say that I’m reading it now in case something happens and I don’t have access to it. If anyone knows what’s going on, please tell me!

Recently Finished: After seeing this book crop up over and over on social media, I finally read THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS by Ali Hazelwood. Spoiler alert: I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Was the premise believable? Not really. But I had fun with it nonetheless and found the main character’s trying moments near the end of the book relatable.

Reading Next: I still have some backlisted books in my NetGalley queue, but I think I’ll switch gears and read one that hasn’t yet published. I might go with DARK EARTH by Rebecca Stott since it has the earliest publication date (July 19) out of my selection of approved-but-unpublished ARCs.

5 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: June 23, 2022

  1. I have River Enchanted on my TBR and hope to read it really soon. I love that cover for Dark Earth. Enjoy your reading this week.

    1. The cover of DARK EARTH totally caught my attention on NG and I just couldn’t pass it up. It’s so unique, to me anyway! I hope you also have a good reading week. 🙂

  2. I haven’t yet read The Love Hypothesis but like you, after seeing it everywhere, I was curious. The ebook is still on my TBR and I honestly doubt I’ll read it anytime soon (I am soooo bad at reading books when I say I will lol) but I’m glad you had fun with it!

    1. I just needed to know whether the premise (professor + grad student relationship) was really as problematic as some feel it is, ha. I’d love to know your thoughts when you get around to reading it. I wrote up my review, but it’s really more of a commentary since there are tons and tons of reviews at there about it already. Maybe I’ll put it up next month, but I need to tweak it a little bit more.

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